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GOOCH GOO® Anti-chafing Balm


Gooch Goo® anti-chafe and anti-blistering balm, soothes, repairs and protects the skin, during prolonged physical activity, both in and out of the water. Gooch Goo will help prevent any rubbing or friction that causes skin irritation, chafing, blisters, rashes and raw skin. 

Because chafing sucks. The Goo is a long-lasting, sweat and water resistant balm, made with premium organic ingredients, including coconut oil and bee-wax. The unique formula optimises its key ingredients, keeping the pores clog free, allowing the sweat to escape and your skin to breathe.


Gooch Goo® is made with premium natural and organic ingredients. View our ingredients list here.


Volume: 100ml.



An athletes must-have for training and racing

We’ve worked alongside professional athletes to create a hard working, all friction sports anti-chafe balm. Gooch Goo is the perfect solution for athletes, helping to protect and repair the skin, keeping you active and away from the sidelines. Our athletes have put this through the ringer and have always come back for more, making Gooch Goo® that little ray of sunshine, where the sun don’t shine.

Tin or Tube, what's the difference?

There is no difference in the Goo!


For the cooler climate chafers we recommend to go with a tin for easier application. Due to its natural ingredients, such as the un-refined beeswax, the Goo can harden slightly (just need to warm up with hands to soften). 



“I’ve been using Gooch Goo for nearly a year and it’s been a game changer. Indoor training can be a sweat fest but when the goo has been applied you know you’ll be in for a friction free experience. Being all natural, Gooch Goo gives me the confidence to even use it for the kids skin irritations.”

Ben Pratt


"I seriously think it's the best and would recommend it x10. I use it all the time."

Lauren W


"It's great stuff! I had no cuts from my tri-suit in the swim which I usually get.  Used it during my race and it was great, no issues at all."

Matt Lewis, Pro-Triathlete


"Worked a treat with the wettie!" 

Ambrose Killian


"For the girls! My inner thighs have never loved me more! I use it every single run now. Couldn't recommend a product more!"

 Jessie Heffernan

Shipping Info

Gooch Goo® customers have access to following shipping options and prices.


Australia - Standard Shipping


Australia - Express Shipping


International - Standard Shipping


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us


Save 10% with the chafers discount bundle

Save 10% with the chafers discount bundle

Chafers discount bundle (white hat & tin)


Chafers discount bundle (black hat & tin)


Shop Gooch Goo Accessories

Shop Gooch Goo Accessories

Gooch Goo Transition Towel


Gooch Goo Running Hat White


Gooch Goo Running Hat Black


Gooch Goo Running Hat White


Gooch Goo Running Hat Black


Gooch Goo Transition Towel
